So yeah, it's valentine's day, and a happy one at that. Didn't get any pretty flowers, so this picture makes up for it. :) thank you, Costa Rica, once again.
I dont really have anything else to say in particular. It's been a difficult few days, but God has definitely come through and provided me with some amazing times and conversations with friends. I'm not very good at showing my appreciation for my friends and all that they've meant to me, but I really do love and value all of them. I would like to be better at communicating that. Ah well. For now, I'm just happy to be where I am, learning what I am. As much as I yearn for certain things in my future to happen the way I think they should, I am positively convinced that God's will is far better and I would rather He make the details happen instead of me attemtping to plan or dream up everything. He can do a far better job. I'd rather join Him where He is. That's all I seek, day by day.
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