So here's my random thoughts for the day. (since i really should be cramming for my test right now, but i just need to get this out right now.) i LOVE the trees on campus! I sat outside all morning, with the B-eeeautiful cloudy weather out, and just couldn't get enough of the vibrant pretty trees. I feel like half the time I'm on campus, I'm thinking about some other cool place I'd like to go visit, but I definitely forget how much I do love the campus and how gorgeous the mountains are here.
I love coffee. I have no coffee in my house now. I am therefore, angry.......ok, had to get that out of my system. So I had to lead the floor time at preschool today, which entailed me having to get 20 little squirmy (isn't that a fun word to say) little 4 year olds to get excited in singing. Old mcdonald? haha, woulda been fine if I remembered the words to the darn song. I messed it up so badly in the beginning, that the kids were all looking around confused, the teachers in the classroom were raising their eyebrows at me, and I was utterly befuddled at how I could mess up Old McDonald. Did I not have a childhood? Perhaps that's why it's good I'm reliving it right now.
One great thing about my job (which is completely exhausting, but I love every minute of it), is that I have the cutest little boys I'm in charge of during rest time. There are 3 in my little section of the classroom. Otis to my right, who is this adorable little blond haired boy who definitely has a speech problem so it's kinda hard to understand him (and what kind of name is Otis for a little kid? all I can think of is Elisha Otis, the guy who invented the elevator. that or it reminds me of a little old man who plays chess all day long). This little boy is absolutely adorable, and is the most fashionable little 4 year old I've ever seen. He's always wearing little collared shirts under a khaki blazer type jacket. weird, but way cute. Then, on the left of me is the most precious little asian boy, Jae-woong. He doesn't talk much, but he just looks at you with those little cute eyes and makes you want to melt. My last little boy in the group is Reece, who is quite the talker and has great red hair. He always knows all the answers to all the questions and is really smart. So basically, they're all my favorites and they make me want to have a bunch of little boys someday. I'm sure it's totally different when you're a mom 24/7 and they're acting up, but hey, they're definitely waaay cute right now.
So I really love cloudy days. It makes me feel all around happier. Guess that's what you get for growing up in the desert. I wonder if I could ever get sick of them, or of rainy days. If I end up moving to Seattle for grad school, I'll have to let you know. I'll have 3 years to find out.
Uh, what else. I really love The Fray and their Over My Head song. I can't get enough of it. I think it's just because I feel like it's in a good range for me to sing with. You know those bands that you love their stuff but it's just impossible to sing with? I can't sing with Third Day. That makes me sad. Maybe if I just learned to sing in the first place I wouldn't have problems with that.
Oh, and I really want a dog. and a kite. and a trip to the zoo here. that's all really.