Well, for a day that didn't start out so well (aka, the worst sleep ever interrupted by a horrific dream where I accidentaly killed my relatives in a desert while I was being chased by crazy army men...dont ask, I must've eaten something very strange to illicit that type of dream), it sure turned into another wonderful day. I woke up early with the sun, made my coffee, and jetted off to the park to estudiar and spend some tiempo with the Lord. It was so peaceful and nice out that I just had a good time talking with God---allowing Him to refocus my heart on Him all over again. God knows I needed that, and I believe that He brought me there just for that reason. I think that sometimes, I just get things better when I'm outside. Not that there's anything magical about it, but when I'm out of my little school-driven life and out staring at the ginormous mountains in front of me, my vision just shifts to what's most important to me....and that is knowing my Lord.
The rest of the day was alright I suppose---work was crazy as always, but gosh I do love those kids. I've only got 3 more days left. Gosh I'm gonna miss them. some of them are starting to grow on me. maybe I can just take one home for fun and keep her for a while, then give her back. they're more fun that way.
the next best thing of the day was Salsa Night on campus....the glories of the salsa club. The nearly 8-piece live band was amazing. I love any music live, but boy (gee golley) that was sure fun. Watching everyone dance just brought back so many memories of my time in Costa Rica, my family there, the people....just everything. I miss it so. I miss the culture. I miss the rhythm of everything. And yes, for a white girl, I don't have much, but it was fun to get my spin on on the dance floor. Next year, I'm gonna rule that place, just wait and see ;)
anyway, it was just a great day. Praise the Lord that He has given me great friends to enjoy these times with....maybe sometime in heaven we can have a salsa club night. maybe God won't object ;)
P.S. Go Aubree----you're my hero.
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