So, pretty much one of the most enjoyable afternoons in a while--and if only because I was doing what I do best---be a bum in the park. I don't know what it is that draws me so, really it's just being outside, and today was definitely gorgeous. SO, we all went, sat, banged on the djembe and guitar like a bunch of hippies, rode the swings, tossed the frisbee, ate the eegees, and I'll just stop there. basically, it was amazing. it felt like summer is finally upon us (minus the scorching temperatures). I felt like the pressure's off, life is good, until finals hit. aw well. one day at a time. Thank God for days like this :)
P.S. oh, minus the very sad event of a stray dog hanging out with us for a while, if only to leave and chase down a baby bird that fell out of a tree...and proceed to hop around it and playfully bite at it for at least 10 minutes and at least had it in his mouth for a bit of that....i'm not sure if that bird was having the great day that i was.
YAY!!!for the weekend, grenn grass, and trees:)
how did i mispell green...i think my brain has finally had all it can take this semester
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