Wednesday, December 10, 2008


ok, soo, much to my family's dismay (you know who you are), i am more of a dog person on the whole. however, i do have a soft spot in my heart due to some cute cats of the family that have grown on me (unlike others that make it hard to love them...but, someday i will perhaps *ahem, willy... jk, mom)...soo, since i've been here, i've definitely seen my share of stray kitties.

the first to tell is one that used to follow me home on my walk from school....i would always see it crouched in the middle ofthe sidewalk, stalking some unknown critter. it would never move for anybody, so people were always stepping over this lump in the middle of the already naturally lumpy sidewalks here. This cat was pretty cute, and it was fun to have the little guy walk with me for a that i've moved to my new apartment, i've found another friend...

I have news to report of a new addition to my apartment complex--another cute little stray kitty!! It's the smallest little thing and always tries to attack my legs when i walk by it outside. Recently, however, it's been following me with a little chorus of singing too.....and i actually feel such a sorrow for it well up inside when it starts it's pathetic meow, i just want to take it in. I think it sensed the immense power and effectiveness of this little whine when the other night Edisson and I were making dinner in the kitchen when i said, "hey...did you hear that? what's that squeak?" We froze for a minute and realized the front door was moving....Edisson and i went over to the door, flung it open and in walzed the little kitty!!!! Just like he owned the place!!! He walked right under the kitchen table, into the kitchen and back out again as Edisson tried to shoo it out the door again. All i said was "awww...he wants to stay! here kitty kitty..." to which edisson commented that if i keep that up, i'll be having a permanent houseguest. Sooo, i gave into reason and tried to help it out the front door when it bolted through the living room again and hopped up on the couch!! Edisson then went and got the broom and this time effectively kicked (or sweeped hehe) it out the house....that's when i snapped the sad little picture of it peering in through the front jail-like gate. Now this is all fine and cute, but the kitty since this incident has become increasingly more pathetic. Last night, we were making dinner again and heard the door moving which we opened it and it was in the process of killing (but i think, rather playing) with a ginormous tropical grasshopper/cricket thing. sick. The bug was up against our door so the kitty had it cornered and pounded the door to get to it...he looked rather irritatedat us when we interrupted his play time, so we shut the door and let him get back to it.

so that in a nutshell is my next kitty story :) i'm sure this thing eat super well b/c i see cans of tuna all around the complex....yummy.

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