it's FINALLY official!! I am engaged to Edisson Andrey Otalvaro Quintero (and various other names that belong to him hehe, gotta love it) and I couldn't be more happy or proud!!!
After the most PERFECT 3 full days in Costa Rica with my man and my parents, we are back now and I've given to lots of remembering the events of our trip, giddy outbursts, frequent (very frequent) ok fine, basically non-stop smile-a-thons...and just shear JOY at finally be able to share with others that we are 'official' (even though technically on paper we are engaged with the fiancee visa, but no matter). WE'RE GETTING MARRIED !!!! ok enough of my giddiness coming through...i'll post a few pics to document our trip.... (best trip EVER!)
our first breakfast!! complete with belated christmas gifts for my lovably dorky games, hot chocolate and coffee mugs, and starbucks coffee!
SO, after our long scary van ride up to the cloud forest mountains, we went to the Butterfly Gardens and enjoyed a nice tour of various buggies and sufficiently blinded the poor little creatures here with my flash(more on that later....).
SO, this is the wonderfully elusive Blue Morphos butterfly that is infamous for being incredibly difficult for taking pictures of those incredibly blue wings. Thus, I amazingly snapped this picture and you can see how great those wings are!
can i just say....disgusting???!!!?? my arachnaphobia has increased ten-fold because of him....sick sick sick. 
our lovely italian dinner...where mom and I mysteriously ordered the same plate (spinach and ricotta pasta) and dad and edisson ordered mysteriously the same thing too (fruti di mare pasta sick! with octopus, shrimp, clams, various other icky seafood stuff) fun way to end the day!
next episode: day 2 of our adventures to the rainforest walk!!